​Early College Program
College and Career Center

Early College - Degree Seeking Pathway
Class of 2026 & Beyond
UH Maui College mapped out the courses needed for their Associate's Degree for every year in high school. Some of the early college courses can be used to fulfill the high school graduation requirements.
*It is very important to understand that our students need to be able to complete both their high school graduation requirements and the college graduation requirements every year of high school.
Students will be required to take 20 college courses (60 college credits) in high school.
**Every student entering the program must take the EdReady placement exam in English and Math (only if taking a math class) their sophomore year in high school.
Early College Degree Seeking Program
Important Early College Program Information
Only 8th graders or very dedicated high school freshman are able to apply.
Must have at least 3.5 cumulative GPA
Teacher & counselor recommendation
Signed commitment letter by parents and students.
Must APPLY for the program AND register for the course(s) during the high school registration period in December.
Early College courses have been pre-selected by UHMC and Lahainaluna to ensure that the students will meet their Liberal Arts Associates' Degree and high school graduation requirements.

Degree Seeking Program
Steps to Enroll
What is needed to register for the Early College Degree Seeking Program?
Add Early College course on high school registration form.
Complete the Early College Application (google form)
Watch Video from UH Maui College
Attend Mandatory Parent Meeting
Complete & Submit Mandatory Essay
Apply to UH Maui College using Kama'aina Application (after approval from Miss Kristy)
Complete the Dual Credit Form from UHMC, print & sign (return to Miss Kristy)
Take the EdReady placement exam. (Submit score to Miss Kristy)
Get UH username & Password (After receiving UH ID#)
Attend Mandatory Orientation on April 16 at the LHS cafeteria
Complete and sign Lahainaluna Consent Agreement (return to Miss Kristy)​​
Register for early college course
UH Maui College Interview (for students 16 year old or younger)
Forms for the Early College Degree Seeking Program
All forms are located in the Early College Degree Seeking Program Google Classroom - Access was sent to students' email after registration.
Please complete the online forms and submit through Google Classroom or email them to Miss Kristy Arakawa.
All paper forms should be submitted, emailed or uploaded to Miss Kristy Arakawa in the Early College Classroom (Hale Mana'o, AA-101).
Dual Credit Application - Degree Seeking Program
Deadline: February 28, 2022
Please complete this online form for Fall 2022. Print the completed form and parent and student must sign the form. Your intermediate school counselor must also sign the form. Submit the completed form to Miss Kristy, she will have the Lahainaluna Principal sign the form for you.
The signed form can be emailed to Miss Kristy Arakawa (kristy.arakawa@k12.hi.us) or dropped off in the Main Office.
Lahainaluna Early College Consent Form
Deadline: April 15, 2022
The Lahainaluna consent form must be printed, signed by the student and parent and submitted to Miss Kristy in the College & Career Center or emailed (kristy.arakawa@k12.hi.us).
EdReady Placement Exam
Deadline: April 15, 2022
Students must place into English 100 or Math 100 (if they will be taking a math class) to take early college courses.
- Students must have already applied to UH Maui College and received their UH ID number to register for the EdReady exam.
Click here for the EdReady "How to" video.