​Early College Program
College and Career Center

What is Financial Aid?

The Basics
Financial Aid in a Nutshell
Financial aid is a general term that is used for scholarships, grants, loans and work study.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Opens on December 1st for Seniors
Do NOT complete the FAFSA before December 1st, that FAFSA is for the students that graduated last year.
Every college & university has it's own financial aid deadline. Please check school websites for more information.
Here's What You Need to Complete the FAFSA
For the Class of 2025
Gather Documents Needed to Complete the FAFSA
2021 Federal 1040 Tax Forms (parents & you if you worked in 2021)
2021 W-2 forms (parents & you if you worked in 2021)
Your social security number
Parent's social security number
Alien registration number, if you are not a citizen
Your driver's license number, if you have one (for residency)
Records of untaxed income, such as child support received, interest income & veterans benefits
Information on cash; savings and checking account balances; investments, including stocks, bonds & real estate (not included the home in which you live); and business and farm assets for you, and for your parents.
Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID for Parent and Student
One parent and the student must create a Federal Student Aid ID. The "ID" is a username and password that they will create. This will be used to login and submit the student's FAFSA.
All that is needed to create your username and password is your social security number.
Complete the 2025-2026 FAFSA
Using the financial documents you gathered you can complete the FAFSA.
Every college/university has their own financial aid (FAFSA) deadline, which may vary between November 1 - May 1. Please check each college's website for their financial aid deadline.
Beginning December 1st
Need Help? FAFSA appointments are available
Ms. Ginny is available for all students and parents who need help completing the FAFSA or understanding your financial aid package.

College Board's CSS Profile
Another Type of Financial Aid Application
What is the CSS Profile?
The CSS Profile is an online financial aid application that collects information used by nearly 400 college and scholarship programs to award non-federal aid. Some colleges may require the CSS Profile from both biological/adoptive parents in cases of divorce or separation.
Unlike the FAFSA which is FREE, there is a $25 application fee for the CSS Profile. Fee waivers are available if students qualify for an SAT fee waiver, the student is an orphan or ward of the court under the age of 24 or based on parental income and family size. CSS Profile will determine eligibility, no separate form or application will be needed to receive a CSS Profile fee waiver.
Applications are available October 1st
The CSS Profile should be completed as soon as possible, deadlines will vary according to the application deadline of the college/university.
As a rule, the student should submit the CSS Profile NO later than 2 weeks before the college's application deadline.
What documents do you need to complete the CSS Profile
For the Class of 2023
Must use the 2021 & 2022 Federal Tax Forms
W-2 Forms and other records of current year (2022) income.
There will also be a few questions asking for estimates for the anticipated year to come.
Records of untaxed income and benefits for the current and previous tax years
Current bank statements
Records of savings, stocks, bonds, trusts, etc.
Students must sign in to the CSS Profile using their College Board account. This is the same account the student used to register for the SAT.